Unveiling Budget 2024: A Preliminary Look into the Economic Prospects of India



On February 1st, 2024, amidst anticipation and scrutiny, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for 2024-25. This being an interim budget, it lays the groundwork for the full budget presented by the new government after the upcoming elections. In this blog, we will dissect the key highlights of Budget 2024, analysing its implications for various sectors and the overall trajectory of the Indian economy.

Budget 2024: Unveiling Key Policy Announcements for India's Interim Roadmap

While presented as an interim budget, Budget 2024 holds significant importance as it sets the stage for the upcoming elections and offers crucial insights into the future direction of India's economy. Let's dive into the key policy announcements and analyse their potential impact:

  • Infrastructure Gets a Boost: Buckle up for infrastructure development! Budget 2024 prioritises this sector with an 11% surge in capital expenditure (capex), allocating a whopping ₹11.1 lakh crore. This translates to potential job creation, improved connectivity, and a boost for sectors like transportation, construction, and logistics. Initiatives like PM Gati Shakti and development of East India further emphasise the government's commitment to infrastructure overhaul.

  • Sustainability Takes Center Stage: Recognizing the climate crisis, the budget embraces a greener future. Support for renewable energy sources like solar and biofuels takes the spotlight, with measures like solar panel subsidies and biofuel blending paving the way for a cleaner tomorrow. This shift presents promising opportunities for the clean energy sector and aligns with India's global sustainability commitments.

  • Investing in Social Welfare: The budget focuses on improving the lives of vulnerable sections. Increased allocation for affordable housing in rural areas aims to tackle a crucial need, while support for farmers' income through higher MSPs and improved irrigation facilities seeks to address agricultural challenges. Moreover, initiatives like accelerating Anganwadi programs and expanding health coverage highlight the government's commitment to social development.

  • Fiscal Consolidation Remains Key: Despite focusing on various initiatives, the government prioritises responsible fiscal management. Targeting a 5.1% fiscal deficit in FY25 underscores its commitment to financial stability, especially amidst global economic uncertainties. This approach aims to balance growth aspirations with responsible fiscal discipline.

  • Taxation: Stability with Hints of Future Reforms: While no major changes were announced in direct or indirect taxes, a closer look reveals potential future directions. Rationalisation of customs duties suggests an evolving trade policy, while emphasis on ease of doing business hints at potential tax reforms in the future.

  • Beyond These Highlights: Beyond these key announcements, the budget encompasses various other initiatives covering diverse sectors like education, healthcare, and MSMEs. Each announcement carries its own unique implications, and its success will hinge on effective implementation and adaptability to evolving economic scenarios.

By analysing these key policies, we gain a clearer picture of the government's priorities and the potential trajectory of India's economy. However, it's crucial to remember that this is an interim budget, and the full picture will emerge with the next government's vision. 

Impact on Different Sectors 

While the ink is still drying on Budget 2024, its potential impact on diverse sectors is already sparking conversations. Let's explore how different industries might fare under the proposed policies:

  • Infrastructure: This sector undoubtedly stands to gain the most. The massive capex increase translates to increased demand for construction materials, transportation services, and engineering expertise. Initiatives like PM Gati Shakti promise improved logistics and infrastructure development, further fueling growth.

  • Manufacturing: The focus on ease of doing business and attracting foreign investment could bring cheer to manufacturers. Streamlined processes and potential future tax reforms could incentivize new players and expansion, creating jobs and boosting production.

  • Agriculture: Farmers might see some relief with higher MSPs and increased focus on irrigation facilities. However, long-term impact hinges on effective implementation and addressing broader structural issues. Initiatives promoting oilseed self-sufficiency could create new opportunities for specific agricultural segments.

  • Renewable Energy: This sector basks in the sunlight of budgetary support. Subsidies for solar panels and push for biofuel blending present exciting growth prospects. The focus on sustainability aligns with global trends and attracts potential investors.

  • Social Sector: Increased allocation for affordable housing in rural areas promises improved living conditions, while Anganwadi program expansion and enhanced healthcare coverage address crucial social needs. However, efficient implementation and long-term sustainability remain key concerns.

  • Other Sectors: Education, healthcare, and MSMEs also received budgetary attention, each with its own nuances. For example, increased educational spending could improve accessibility, while MSME support schemes might aid their growth. However, the specific impact will depend on the details and effectiveness of execution.

Remember: The true impact will play out over time and depend on various factors like global economic conditions and policy implementation. It's crucial to monitor developments and analyse their sector-specific implications as they unfold.

Challenges and Concerns 

While Budget 2024 paints a hopeful picture for some sectors, challenges loom on the horizon:

  • Unemployment: Despite job creation promises, addressing structural challenges in the labour market remains crucial. Can the budget's initiatives translate to meaningful employment opportunities?

  • Inflation: Inflation, though moderating, continues to be a concern. Will government measures effectively control price rise and protect household budgets?

  • Fiscal Deficit: Achieving the targeted deficit reduction requires meticulous expenditure management. Can the government walk the tightrope between growth and fiscal prudence?

These concerns demand continued attention and strategic policy adjustments. As the budget's impact unfolds, we must critically evaluate its success in addressing these challenges and paving the way for a truly inclusive and sustainable economic future for India.


Budget 2024, while an interim act, offers a fascinating glimpse into the future trajectory of India's economy. With its focus on infrastructure, sustainability, and social welfare, it paints a picture of a nation striving for progress and inclusivity. Personally, the emphasis on clean energy initiatives like solar subsidies resonates deeply with my belief in a greener tomorrow.

However, challenges like unemployment and fiscal consolidation remain roadblocks. The true success of this budget will depend on its ability to address these concerns effectively and translate its promises into tangible outcomes.

As an individual deeply invested in India's future, I eagerly await the full picture with the next government's vision. But for now, let's engage in open discussion, analyse the nuances, and collectively chart a course for an India that thrives not just economically, but also socially and environmentally.

Written by:-

Saanvi Sah

Special contribution by:-

Manan and Yuvraj Malik

